Fee Schedule and Rates

  • Annual Registration: $200.00
  • Family Annual Registration: $250.00
  • Uniforms are required and are $15.00 a polo



Rates are based off of care provided during standard hours of operation. Monday through Friday from 7:30AM to 5:30PM. These rates do not include extended hour care, or Saturday (when offered). Tuition is billed on a weekly basis.

 Full Time Full Time (Sibling)
Toddlers 1yr-2yrs $275 $270
Twos 2yrs-3yrs $255 $250
Preschool 3yrs-4yrs $240 $235
Preschool 4yrs-5yrs $230 $225
VPK Wrap Around $185 $180
School Age 5yrs-8yrs $230 $225
School Age (Day Off) $45 $40
VPK (Day Off) $20 $20
Special Needs (IEP) $300 $300
After School Care $125 $120

Parent Handbook